execution for students


how to execute any anything in our study routine

  • to execute anything there are some requirement, to fulfill them you need a structure.
  • problem is, many of us just think but dont make plan to execute thats why today tell you how to plan with help of an example.
  • lets suppose you wanna study 18 hours a day.
understanding: first battle is to wake up early, if you wake up late then you have lost half of battle because lost time will not come again. next thing your why should be clear . you should confirm one thing in your mind that it wont give you pleasure but it may give you satisfaction.


  1.  if a car needs to run longer if need more fuel, so in the same way take a healthy diet; set number of things you want to eat put them in your timetable and most importantly those things should be availaible at home
  2. for distractions, set your phone on aeroplane mode or turn off notification, silent it otherwise give a slot from your timetable to social media
  3. understand your energy curve during whole day and set breaks when your curve is very
  4. perform meditation to calm yourself.
  5. set alarm in night to wake up on time
this is a rough idea make your own structure for each requirements.

"by yashi gupta"



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